Monday, May 30, 2005


now i confess that there's no actual necessity of my starting an online blog, since i'm still in college, have frequent contact with most of my friends, and have an amount of free time which is more than adequate to the task of maintaining correspondence with those who have the misfortune of having sojourned great distances and having recourse to naught but e-mail as their means communication. the simple fact is that i have, with a surprising degree of consistency, proved far more lazy than one (myself at least) might have reasonably suspected, and my negligence has been the cause of no small ignorance on the parts of my distant acquaintances regarding the various goings-on of my quotidian affairs. to this end i begin this blog. secondarily, of course, i intend to use it as a means of ranting about the issues plaguing my poor troubled mind, and for this reason i may never actually tell anyone (since i have difficulty imagining anyone will care) that it exists, and use it simply as a form of journaling which does not in any immediate way threaten my lamentably constructed sense of 'marlboro' masculinity


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